Happier Than Ever – Piano Notes and Chords – Billie Eilish

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Piano Notes and Chords for Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish

This post provides the melody notes (right hand letter notes) and chords (left hand notes) for the song Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish.

The song is a beautiful and emotionally charged piece, arranged in C major, making it straightforward for piano playing with no sharps or flats.

Key Information

Key Signature: Blank (No flats, No sharps)
Scale: C major (All Natural Notes, All white keys)
C Major Scale Notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B

Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish Piano Notes and Chords Key

The relative minor of C major is A minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
A minor Scale Notes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Tempo: 70 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4 and 3/4
Difficulty Level: , Intermediate, Advanced

The song utilizes a wide dynamic range, from soft, intimate moments to powerful crescendos.  The tempo starts slow and relaxed, around 72 BPM, and picks up pace in the latter half, reflecting the song’s dynamic shift.

Happier Than Ever Piano Tutorial

Piano Keys Layout

Symbols Used in the Song

Asterisk: star symbol (*): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Brackets: (): Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines: Tilde (~): Sustained Notes.
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Indicates a chord change.
Asterisk after a note (e.g., C*): Indicates a higher octave note.
Asterisk before a note (e.g., *C): Indicates a lower octave note.

Happier Than Ever Piano Chords

List of chords and their notes for the song Happier Than Ever:

G (G major) chord: G, B, and D
C (C major) chord: C, E, and G
E (E major) chord: E, G#, and B
Am (A minor) chord: A, C, and E
Dm (D minor) chord: D, F, and A
D (D major) chord: D, F#, and A
F (F major) chord: F, A, and C
Fm (F minor) chord: F, Ab, and C

Chord details for the song such as structure, formula, note intervals, etc., are given after the full song notations.

Happier Than Ever Piano Notes and Chords

Intro Music

G G~ (G) G (E) F~

The song starts softly, using simple yet emotive notes. In C major, the melody revolves around notes like C, E, G, A, and F, creating a gentle and introspective feel.


When I’m away from you
I’m happier than ever
Wish I could explain it better
I wish it wasn’t true

(G)  E*~ (B) D*~~
When I’m |away

C*~  E~~
from you

(G) G (A) B  (C*) B~~ G#~~
I’m happier than |ever

G#  (A) G#    (A) B
Wish I  could explain

(C*) B~~~ A~~
it  b|etter

(G#) A   (B) C* (D*)
I   wish it  wasn’t

E* (D*) E*~~ B~~
|true~~ m|mm
|Dm     |G

Verse 1 (Part 1)

Give me a day or two
to think of something clever
To write myself a letter
To tell me what to do, mm-mm

G~   E*~ (B) D*~~
Give me a| day

C*~ E~~ (G) G
or two  to think

(A) B C* B~ G#~~
of something c|lever

(F#) G#    (A) B
To write myself

(C*) B~~~ A~~
a| letter

(G#) A  (B) C* (D*) E* (D*) E*~~
To tell me what to| do,

D* (C*) D*~~ B~ C*~~~
| mm-mm

Verse 1 (Part 2)

Do you read my interviews?
Or do you skip my avenue?
When you said you were passin’ through
Was I even on your way?

| E*~ C*~~ C*
| Do you read

(D*)  E* (D*) C*~~
my   interviews?

D*~    B~~ (A)
Or |do you skip

B  (C*) D* (C*) B
my avenue?

C*~  A~~ (G#)  A  (B)
When |you said you were

C* (B)   A~~
passin’ through

A   B~ F G# C* D* D*~~~
Was I |even on your way?

The melody becomes more intense and expressive, using a wider range of notes such as C, D, E, G, and A. The dynamic range increases, reflecting the growing emotional intensity of the lyrics.

Verse 1 (Part 3)

I knew when I asked you to (When I asked you to)
Be cool about what I was tellin’ you
You’d do the opposite of what you said you’d do (What you said you’d do)
And I’d end up more afraid
Don’t say it isn’t fair
You clearly weren’t aware that you made me miserable
So if you really wanna know

E*~ C*~~  C* (D*)
I   knew when I
I  k|new when I

E*    (D*) C*~
asked you  to

D*~  B~   (A) B (A)
Be  c|ool about what

B (C*) D* (C*) B~~
I was  tellin’ you

C*~ A (G) A (G) A (G)
You’d |do the opposite of

A    (B) C*
what you said,

(B) A A~~
you’d do

A    B~ F   G#
And I’d| end up

C* D* D*~~~
more afraid

(E*)   D* (C*) B (C*) B~~
Don’t say it is|n’t fair

(C*) B (C*)  D* (E*) D* C*~
You  clearly weren’t aware

D*~  C*~ B~ C*~
that you |made me

A~ E* (D*) E* A*~~

C*~ D* (E*) F* (E*)
So if you r|eally

D*~ C*~ B~
wanna k|now


When I’m away from you
I’m happier than ever
Wish I could explain it better
I wish it wasn’t true

(G)  E*~ (B) D*~~
When I’m |away

C*~  E~~
from you

(G) G (A) B  (C*) B~~ G#~~
I’m happier than |ever

G#  (A) G#    (A) B
Wish I  could explain

(C*) B~~~ A~~
it  b|etter

(G#) A   (B) C* (D*)
I   wish it  wasn’t

E* (D*) E*~~ B~~
|true~~ m|mm
|Dm     |G

Happier Than Ever Piano Chord Details

Here are the notes, structure, formula, and note intervals for the Happier Than Ever Chords:

Notes of the C Major Scale:
C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C

Chords of the C Major Scale:
C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am and Bdm
(i.e., C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor and B diminished)

Chords used for the song Happier Than Ever are:
G, C, E, Am, Dm, D, F, Fm

G Chord

G (G major) chord notes: G, B, D
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)

C Chord

C (C major) chord notes: C, E, G
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)

E Chord

E (E major) chord notes: E, G#, B
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)

Am Chord

Am (A minor) chord notes: A, C, E
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), and 5 (perfect fifth)

Dm Chord

Dm (D minor) chord notes: D, F, A
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), and 5 (perfect fifth)

D Chord

D (D major) chord notes: D, F#, A
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)

F Chord

F (F major) chord notes: F, A, C
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)

Fm Chord

Fm (F minor) chord notes: F, Ab, C
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), and 5 (perfect fifth)