Don’t Let Me Down – Piano Notes and Chords – The Chainsmokers

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Piano Notes and Chords for Don’t Let Me Down – The Chainsmokers

This post provides the melody notes (right hand letter notes) and chords (left hand notes) for the song Don’t Let Me Down ft. Daya by The Chainsmokers.

Key Information for the Song Don’t Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers

Key Signature: Five sharps (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#)
Scale: B Major Scale (five black keys)
B Major Scale Notes: B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A#

The relative minor of B major is G# minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
G# minor Scale Notes: G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E, F#

The enharmonic equivalent of B major is Cb major i.e., the same notes but written (notated) differently.
Cb major Scale Notes: Cb, Db, Eb, Fb, Gb, Ab, Bb

Tempo: 80 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Don't Let Me Down Piano Tutorial

Piano Keys Layout

Symbols Used in the Song

Asterisk: star symbol (*): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Brackets: (): Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines: Tilde (~): Sustained Notes.
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Indicates a chord change.
Asterisk after a note (e.g., C*): Indicates a higher octave note.
Asterisk before a note (e.g., *C): Indicates a lower octave note.

Chord details for the song such as structure, formula, note intervals, etc., are given after the full song notations.

Don’t Let Me Down Piano Chords

Notes of the B Major Scale: B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A#, B

Chords of the B Major Scale:
B, C#m, D#m, E, F#, G#m and A#dm
(i.e., B major, C# minor, D# minor, E major, F# major, G# minor and A# diminished)

Chords used for the song Don’t Let Me Down are:
B, C#m, D#m, E, F#, G#m and A#dm

Notes for the Don’t Let Me Down Chords are:
B major: B, D#, F#
E major: E, G#, B
F# major: F#, A#, C#
G# minor: G#, B, D#

Intro Music

G#~ G#~ F#
D#~ D#~ D#
A#~ A#~ A#
(A#) B B~ A#


G#~ G#~ F#   D#~ D#~ D#
A#~ A#~ A#    (A#) B B~ A#

Verse 1 (Part 1)

Crashing, hit a wall
Right now, I need a miracle
Hurry up now, I need a miracle

    B  G#~~  (B B)  A#~~
|   Crashing | , hit a wall
| E              | B

      B     G#      B (G# G#)   (B B)  G#~
|     Right now | I    need a   miracle
| F#                | G#m

    (G# G#) B  G#     B (G# G#) (B B)  A#~~~
|   Hurry     up now, | I need a     miracle |
| E                         | B                           | F# | G#m

Verse 1 (Part 2)

Stranded, reaching out
I call your name, but you’re not around
I say your name, but you’re not around

    B  G#~~     (B B)  A#~~
|   Stranded | , reaching out
| E              | B

    (A# A# A#)    B     (G# G#)      (B B)  G#~~
|   I call your  | name but you’re   not around
| F#               | G#m

   (G# G# G#)  B
|  I say your
| E

   (G# G# B B)  A#~~~
|  name but you’re not arou | nd
| B                                      | F#  | G#m

Pre-chorus (Part 1)

I need ya, I need ya, I need you right now
Yeah, I need you right now
So don’t let me, don’t let me, don’t let me down
I think I’m losing my mind now

(C#)  E  D#  (C#)  E  D#
I | need you, I need you,
  | E

C#  E  (D#)  C#  *B~~
I | need you right now
  | B

(D# F# D# F#)  G#  D#~~
| Yeah, I need you r| ight now
| F#                | G#m

(C#)  E  D#  C#  E  D#
So | don’t let me, don’t let me,
   | E

C#  E  D#  C#  *B~~
| don’t let me down
| B

(D# F# D# F# D# F#)  G#~  D#~~
| I think I’m losing my m| ind now
| F#                             | G#m

Pre-chorus (Part 2)

It’s in my head, darlin’, I hope
That you’ll be here when I need you the most
So don’t let me, don’t let me, don’t let me down
D-Don’t let me down

D#  C#  *B  F#~~  E  D#  E  F#~~
It’s in my | head, darling I | hope
              | E                      | B

F#  D#  F#  G#
That you’ll be | here,
                     | F#

(*B *B)  G#  C#  C#  *B~~  *G# ~~
when I need you the m| ost
                                   | G#m

B  A#  G#  B  A#  G#
So d| on’t let me, don’t let me,
       | E

B  A#  G#  F#~~~
Do| n’t let me down
    | B

   G#  F#  E  D#~~
|   Don’t let me dow| n
| F#                      | G#m


Don’t let me down
Don’t let me down, down, down
Don’t let me down
Don’t let me down, down, down

*G#  *G#  E  D#
Don’t let me|  down
                  | G#m


*G#  (*G# *A)  *F#~  (*G#)  *G#  (*G# *A)  *F#  *G#  *G#

*G#  *G#  E  D#~  *B~  *G#  *G#
Don’t let me down, down, down


*G#  (*G# *A)  *F#~  (*G#)  *G#  (*G# *A)  *F#  *G#  *G#

*G#  *G#  E  D#~  *B~  *G#  *G#
Don’t let me down, don’t let me

B  G#~  B  G#~
down, down, down

Verse 2

R-R-Running out of time
I really thought you were on my side
But now there’s nobody by my side
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     B  G#~  (B B)  A#~~
|   Running | out of time
| E              | B

   (A# A# A#)  B  (G# G# B B)  G#~~
| I really tho | ught you were on my side
| F#             | G#m

(G# G# G#)  B  (G# G# B B)  A#~~~
| But now there| ‘s nobody by my | side|
| E                   | B                        | F#  | G#m


(C#)  E  D#  (C#)  E  D#
I | need you, I need you,
  | E

C#  E  (D#)  C#  *B~~
I | need you right now
  | B

(D# F# D# F#)  G#  D#~~
| Yeah, I need you r| ight now
| F#                | G#m

(C#)  E  D#  C#  E  D#
So | don’t let me, don’t let me,
   | E

C#  E  D#  C#  *B~~
| don’t let me down
| B

(D# F# D# F# D# F#)  G#~  D#~~
| I think I’m losing my m| ind now
| F#                             | G#m

D#  C#  *B  F#~~  E  D#  E  F#~~
It’s in my | head, darling I | hope
              | E                      | B

F#  D#  F#  G#
That you’ll be | here,
                     | F#

(*B *B)  G#  C#  C#  *B~~  *G# ~~
when I need you the m| ost
                                   | G#m

B  A#  G#  B  A#  G#
So d| on’t let me, don’t let me,
       | E

B  A#  G#  F#~~~
Do| n’t let me down
    | B

   G#  F#  E  D#~~
|   Don’t let me dow| n
| F#                      | G#m


Don’t let me down
Don’t let me down, down, down
Don’t let me down
Don’t let me down, down, down