Deck The Halls – Christmas Song – Piano Notes

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Piano Notes for Deck The Halls – Christmas Song – CDE FGAB

Tips to Play the Piano Notes for Deck The Halls – Christmas Song

Some letter notes for the song Deck The Halls – Christmas Song are given in brackets like (notes); play those notes continuously or connected.

~ – wavy line (tilde) after a note means to sustain that note or press that note for longer.

The meanings of the words (song lyrics) are given after the full song notations.

Part 1 (Intro Music)

Bb*~ (Ab* G*) F* Eb* F* G* Eb*
(F** G** Ab** F** G**~)
F** Eb**~ D** Eb**~~

Repeat this line for 7 to 8 times

**Eb~  (**Eb *Eb )

Part 2 (Verse 1)

Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
‘Tis the season to be jolly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Bb~     Ab  G~     F~
Deck  the  halls  with

Eb~        F~    G~ Eb~
boughs  of      holly

F    G  Ab  F   G~
Fa- la- la-  la- la,

F   Eb~ D~  Eb~~
la-  la-   la-  la

Bb~   Ab  G~ F~ Eb~ F~   G~ Eb~
‘Tis   the season to    be   jolly

F    G  Ab  F   G~  F   Eb~ D~  Eb~~
Fa- la- la-  la- la,   la-  la-   la-  la

Part 3 (Verse 1)

Don we now our gay apparel
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

F~~  G   Ab~  F~  G~~  Ab  Bb~ F~
Don  we now  our  gay  apparel

G    Ab  Bb~  C* D*  Eb*~
Fa-  la-  la,    la-  la-  la,

D*~  C*~ Bb~~
la-     la-    la

Bb~~ Ab G~ F~ Eb~ F~ G~ Eb~
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol

(C* C* C* C* Bb~~)

Ab G~ F~ Eb~~


Repeat this line for 7 to 8 times
**Eb~  (**Eb *Eb )

Part 4 (Verse 2)

See the blazing Yule before us
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Strike the harp and join the chorus
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Bb~  Ab  G~ F~  Eb~   F~ G~  Eb~
See  the  blazing Yule  before   us

F    G  Ab  F   G~  F   Eb~ D~  Eb~~
Fa- la- la-  la- la,   la-  la-   la-  la

Bb~   Ab  G~    F~  Eb~ F~  G~ Eb~
Strike the harp and  join  the chorus

F    G  Ab  F   G~  F   Eb~ D~  Eb~~
Fa- la- la-  la- la,   la-  la-   la-  la

Part 5 (Verse 2)

Follow me in merry measure
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
While I tell of Yule-tide treasure
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

F~~  G  Ab~  F~  G~~ Ab  Bb~ F~
Follow   me   in    merry      measure

G    Ab  Bb~  C* D*  Eb*~  D*~  C*~ Bb~~
Fa-  la-  la,    la-  la-  la,     la-     la-    la

Bb~~ Ab G~ F~ Eb~ F~ G~ Eb~
While I tell of Yule-tide treasure

(C* C* C* C* Bb~~) Ab G~ F~ Eb~~
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Part 6 (Verse 3)

Fast away the old year passes
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Hail the new year, lads and lasses
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Bb~  Ab  G~ F~  Eb~   F~ G~  Eb~
F    G  Ab  F   G~  F   Eb~ D~  Eb~~
Bb~   Ab  G~    F~  Eb~ F~  G~ Eb~
F    G  Ab  F   G~  F   Eb~ D~  Eb~~

Sing we joyous, all together
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Heedless of the wind and weather
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

F~~  G  Ab~  F~  G~~ Ab  Bb~ F~
G    Ab  Bb~  C* D*  Eb*~  D*~  C*~ Bb~~
Bb~~ Ab G~ F~ Eb~ F~ G~ Eb~
(C* C* C* C* Bb~~) Ab G~ F~ Eb~~

Christmas Song Piano Notes

Christmas Songs

Deck the Halls Song Lyrics with Meaning

Deck the hall with boughs of holly

Deck the hall = Decorate the home

boughs = branches of a tree

holly = plant known for its bright red berries and its glossy, prickly-edged leaves

Tis the season to be jolly

Tis the season = It is the season

jolly = happy

Don we now our gay apparel

Don = put on clothing

gay apparel = happy clothes

Don we now our gay apparel = It is time to put on happy Christmas clothes

Troll the ancient Yuletide carol

troll = repetitive singing, recite quickly

Yuletide = the Christmas season

carol = a traditional Christmas song

See the blazing yule before us

blazing = very bright

yule = the Christmas season

Strike the harp and join the chorus

harp – musical instrument

Strike the harp – play the musical instrument

join the chorus – join the singing

Follow me in merry measure

merry measure = happy dancing

While I tell of Yuletide treasure.

Yuletide = the Christmas season

Fast away the old year passes

Hail the new, ye lads and lasses

Hail the new – welcome the new year

lads = boys

lasses = girls

Sing we joyous all together

Headless of the wind and weather

Even if the weather is bad and cold, there is a big, happy party at the home (the Christmas season)