Chords and Their Notes in the Minor Scales

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C Minor Scale

Notes: C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab and Bb

Chords of the C Minor Scale

Cm (C minor): C – Eb – G
Ddim (D diminished): D – F – Ab
Eb (Eb major): Eb – G – Bb
Fm (F minor): F – Ab – C
Gm (G minor): G – Bb – D
Ab (Ab major): Ab – C – Eb
Bb (Bb major): Bb – D – F

Notes of the Chord

Major chords are made up of the root note, the major third, and the perfect fifth.
Minor chords are made up of the root note, the minor third, and the perfect fifth.
Diminished chords are made up of the root note, the minor third, and the diminished fifth.

D Minor Scale

Notes: D, E, F, G, A, Bb and C

Chords of the D Minor Scale

Dm (D minor): D – F – A
Edim (E diminished): E – G – Bb
F (F major): F – A – C
Gm (G minor): G – Bb – D
Am (A minor): A – C – E
Bb (Bb major): Bb – D – F
C (C major): C – E – G

Order of the Chords

The chords are presented in the standard order they appear within the scale, using Roman numerals (I, ii, iii, etc.)

Capital Roman numerals indicate minor chords (I, IV, V).
Lowercase Roman numerals indicate minor chords (ii, iii, vi).

The diminished chord is represented with a lowercase Roman numeral and a degree symbol (vii°).

Capitalized Roman numerals: These represent the chords built on each degree of the scale (e.g., I is the chord built on the first note of the scale).

E Minor Scale

Notes: E, F#, G, A, B, C and D

Chords of the E Minor Scale

Em (E minor): E – G – B
F#dim (F# diminished): F# – A – C
G (G major): G – B – D
Am (A minor): A – C – E
Bm (B minor): B – D – F#
C (C major): C – E – G
D (D major): D – F# – A

F Minor Scale

Notes: F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db and Eb

Chords of the F Minor Scale

Fm (F minor): F – Ab – C
Gdim (G diminished): G – Bb – Db
Ab (Ab major): Ab – C – Eb
Bbm (Bb minor): Bb – Db – F
Cm (C minor): C – Eb – G
Db (Db major): Db – F – Ab
Eb (Eb major): Eb – G – Bb

G Minor Scale

Notes: G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb and F

Chords of the G Minor Scale

Gm (G minor): G – Bb – D
Adim (A diminished): A – C – Eb
Bb (Bb major): Bb – D – F
Cm (C minor): C – Eb – G
Dm (D minor): D – F – A
Eb (Eb major): Eb – G – Bb
F (F major): F – A – C

A Minor Scale

Notes: A, B, C, D, E, F and G

Chords of the A Minor Scale

Am (A minor): A – C – E
Bdim (B diminished): B – D – F
C (C major): C – E – G
Dm (D minor): D – F – A
Em (E minor): E – G – B
F (F major): F – A – C
G (G major): G – B – D

B Minor Scale

Notes: B, C#, D, E, F#, G and A

Chords of the B Minor Scale

Bm (B minor): B – D – F#
C#dim (C# diminished): C# – E – G
D (D major): D – F# – A
Em (E minor): E – G – B
F#m (F# minor): F# – A – C#
G (G major): G – B – D
A (A major): A – C# – E

C# Minor Scale

Notes: C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A and B

Chords of the C# Minor Scale

C# minor – C#, E, G#
D# diminished – D#, F#, A
E major – E, G#, B
F# minor – F#, A, C#
G# minor – G#, B, D#
A major – A, C#, E
B major – B, D#, F#

D# Minor Scale

Notes: D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, B and C#

Chords of the D# Minor Scale

D# minor – D#, F#, A#
E# diminished – E#, G#, B
F# major – F#, A#, C#
G# minor – G#, B, D#
A# minor – A#, C#, E#
B major – B, D#, F#
C# major – C#, E#, G#

F# Minor Scale

Notes: F#, G#, A, B, C#, D and E

Chords of the F# Minor Scale

F# minor – F#, A, C#
G# diminished – G#, B, D
A major – A, C#, E
B minor – B, D, F#
C# minor – C#, E, G#
D major – D, F#, A
E major – E, G#, B


Gb Minor Scale


Chords of the Gb Minor Scale

G# Minor Scale

Notes: G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E and F#

Chords of the G# Minor Scale

G# minor – G#, B, D#
A# diminished – A#, C#, E
B major – B, D#, F#
C# minor – C#, E, G#
D# minor – D#, F#, A#
E major – E, G#, B
F# major – F#, A#, C#


Ab Minor Scale

Notes: Ab, Bb, Cb, Db, Eb, Fb and Gb

Chords of the Ab Minor Scale

Ab minor – Ab, Cb, Eb
Bb diminished – Bb, Db, Fb
Cb major – Cb, Eb, Gb
Db minor – Db, Fb, Ab
Eb minor – Eb, Gb, Bb
Fb major – Fb, Ab, Cb
Gb major – Gb, Bb, Db

A# Minor Scale

Notes: A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F# and G#

Chords of the A# Minor Scale

A# minor – A#, C#, E#
B# diminished – B#, D#, F#
C# major – C#, E#, G#
D# minor – D#, F#, A#
E# minor – E#, G#, B#
F# major – F#, A#, C#
G# major – G#, B#, D#


Bb Minor Scale

Notes: Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, Gb and Ab

Chords of the Bb Minor Scale

Bb minor – Bb, Db, F
C diminished – C, Eb, Gb
Db major – Db, F, Ab
Eb minor – Eb, Gb, Bb
F minor – F, Ab, C
Gb major – Gb, Bb, Db
Ab major – Ab, C, Eb


Minor vs. Major: Minor scales have a darker, more melancholic sound compared to major scales. This is because of the flattened 3rd, 6th, and 7th notes compared to a major scale.

Chords: Chords in a scale are built on the notes of that scale. For example, in the C minor scale, the Cm chord is built on the 1st (C), 3rd (Eb), and 5th (G) notes.

Here are the chords and their notes for the minor scales:

  1. C Minor Scale:
    • Chords: Cm, Ddim, Eb, Fm, Gm, Ab, Bb
    • Notes: C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb
  2. D Minor Scale:
    • Chords: Dm, Edim, F, Gm, Am, Bb, C
    • Notes: D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C
  3. E Minor Scale:
    • Chords: Em, F#dim, G, Am, Bm, C, D
    • Notes: E, F#, G, A, B, C, D
  4. F Minor Scale:
    • Chords: Fm, Gdim, Ab, Bbm, Cm, Db, Eb
    • Notes: F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb
  5. G Minor Scale:
    • Chords: Gm, Adim, Bb, Cm, Dm, Eb, F
    • Notes: G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F
  6. A Minor Scale:
    • Chords: Am, Bdim, C, Dm, Em, F, G
    • Notes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
  7. B Minor Scale:
    • Chords: Bm, C#dim, D, Em, F#m, G, A
    • Notes: B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A

These are the basic triad chords for each scale. Remember that each scale has its unique set of chords, and you can build upon these basic triads to create more complex chords and progressions.