Piano Notes for Can’t Help Falling In Love – Elvis Presley
This post provides the melody notes (right hand letter notes) and chords (left hand notes) for the song Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley.
A beautiful and timeless song that is relatively easy to play on the piano. The melody is slow and lyrical, which makes it easier to follow along. The chord progression is relatively simple.
Key Information
Key Signature: Two sharps (F#, C#)
Scale: D Major Scale (two black keys)
D Major Scale Notes: D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#

The relative minor of D major is B minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
B minor Scale Notes: B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A
Tempo: 92 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Beginner, Intermediate
The melody in D major is simple and flowing, making it accessible for beginners. Key notes include D, F#, A, B, and E, which follow a smooth and lyrical pattern.
Can't Help Falling In Love Piano Tutorial
Piano Keys Layout

Symbols Used in the Song
Asterisk: star symbol (*): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Brackets: (): Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines: Tilde (~): Sustained Notes.
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Indicates a chord change.
Asterisk after a note (e.g., C*): Indicates a higher octave note.
Asterisk before a note (e.g., *C): Indicates a lower octave note.
Can't Help Falling In Love Piano Chords
List of chords and their notes for the song Can't Help Falling In Love:
D (D major) chord: D, F#, and A
A (A major) chord: A, C#, and E
F#m (F-sharp minor) chord: F#, A, and C#
Bm (B minor) chord: B, D, and F#
Bm7 (B minor seventh) chord: B, D, F#, and A
G (G major) chord: G, B, and D
Em (E minor) chord: E, G, and B
C#7 (C-sharp dominant seventh) chord: C#, F, G#, and B
B (B major) chord: B, D#, and F#
Chord details for the song such as structure, formula, note intervals, etc., are given after the full song notations.
The chord progression in D major typically involves D major, A major, B minor, G major, and E minor. These chords provide a rich harmonic foundation that supports the melody and enhances its emotional impact.
Can’t Help Falling In Love Piano Notes and Chords
Intro Music
| *A D F# D *A
| *A C# E C# *A~~
| A
*F# *A D *A *F#
F# D *A A F# D
Verse 1
Wise men say
“Only fools rush in”
But I can’t help
Falling in love with you
D~~~ A~~~ D~~
|Wise |men |say|
|D |F#m |Bm |Bm7
E F# G~~~ F#~~~ E~~~
only |fools |rush |in
|G |D |A
*A *B~~~ C#~~~ D~~~
But |I |can’t |help
|G |A |Bm
E~ F#~ G~ F#~~~ E~~~ D~~~
|falling in |love |with |you
|Em |D |A |D
Verse 2
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can’t help
Falling in love with you?
D~~~ A~~~ D~~~
|Shall |I |stay |
|D |F#m |Bm |Bm7
E F# G~~~ F#~~~ E~~~
Would it | be | a | sin
|G |D |A
*A *B~~~ C#~~~ D~~~
If |I |can’t |help
|G |A |Bm
E~ F#~ G~ F#~~~ E~~~ D~~~
|falling in |love |with |you
|Em |D |A |D
Focus on smooth transitions between chords and maintaining a steady rhythm. Pay attention to the dynamics to bring out the song’s expressive qualities.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
C#~ F#~ A C#* B~~~
|Like a river |flows
|F#m |C#7
C#~ F#~ A C#* B~~~
|surely to the |sea
|F#m |C#7
C#~ F#~ A C#* B~~~
|Darling so it |goes
|F#m |C#7
A~ A~~
|Some things
F# A~ F# G~~~
|are meant to |be|
|B |Em |A
Verse 3
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can’t help
Falling in love with you
D~~~ A~~~ D~~~
|Take |my |hand,|
|D |F#m |Bm |Bm7
E F# G~~~ F#~~~ E~~~
take my |whole |life |too
|G |D |A
*A *B~~~ C#~~~ D~~~
For |I |can’t |help
|G |A |Bm
E~ F#~ G~ F#~~~ E~~~ D~~~
|falling in |love |with |you
|Em |D |A |D
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
C#~ F#~ A C#* B~~~
|Like a river |flows
|F#m |C#7
C#~ F#~ A C#* B~~~
|surely to the |sea
|F#m |C#7
C#~ F#~ A C#* B~~~
|Darling so it |goes
|F#m |C#7
A~ A~~
|Some things
F# A~ F# G~~~
|are meant to |be|
|B |Em |A
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can’t help
Falling in love with you
D~~~ A~~~ D~~~
|Take |my |hand,|
|D |F#m |Bm |Bm7
E F# G~~~ F#~~~ E~~~
take my |whole |life |too
|G |D |A
*A *B~~~ C#~~~ D~~~
For |I |can’t |help
|G |A |Bm
E~ F#~ G~ F#~~~ E~~~ D~~~
|falling in |love |with |you
|Em |D |A |D
Can't Help Falling In Love Piano Chord Details
Here are the notes, structure, formula, and note intervals for the Can't Help Falling In Love Chords:
Notes of the D Major Scale:
D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D
Chords of the D Major Scale:
D, Em, F#m, G, A, Bm and C#dm
(i.e., D major, E minor, F# minor, G major, A major, B minor and C# diminished)
Chords used for the song Can’t Help Falling In Love are:
D, A, F#m, Bm, Bm7, G, Em, C#7, and B
D Chord
D (D major) chord notes: D, F#, A
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
A Chord
A (A major) chord notes: A, C#, E
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
F#m Chord
F#m (F-sharp minor) chord notes: F#, A, C#
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
Bm Chord
Bm (B minor) chord notes: B, D, F#
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
Bm7 Chord
Bm7 (B minor seventh) chord notes: B, D, F#, A
Structure: Tetrad (a four-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5 – b7
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), 5 (perfect fifth), and b7 (minor seventh)
G Chord
G (G major) chord notes: G, B, D
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
Em Chord
Em (E minor) chord notes: E, G, B
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
C#7 Chord
C#7 (C-sharp dominant seventh) chord notes: C#, E# (F), G#, B
Structure: Tetrad (a four-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5 – b7
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), 5 (perfect fifth), and b7 (minor seventh)
B Chord
B (B major) chord notes: B, D#, F#
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
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